A program compiled by VB 6.0 for demonstrating cooling curve of Bi-Cd system VB6.0编写Bi-Cd体系步冷曲线演示程序
Test shows that temperature data and cooling curve are credible and steady. 试验结果表明:所测得的数据以及冷却曲线可靠,稳定。
The sample cell used to measure the gradual cooling curve of two components alloy with low melting points was designed. 设计了一种用于测定低熔点二元合金步冷曲线的试样容器。
Quenchability Check; e.g., cooling curve, viscosity, or titration. 淬火能力检查;例如,冷却曲线,粘度或滴定。
Through judgment and appraisal of cooling curve, theory basis is provided for diverse choice of quenching medium of pearlitic malleable iron. 通过对冷却特性曲线的判读和评价,为珠光体可锻铸铁淬火介质的多样化选择提供理论依据。
From the cooling curve of special point and temperature field of cross-sectional, the comparison is basically satisfactory. 经过特定点冷却曲线的比较和中心剖切面温度场的显示,本研究模拟结果从网格剖分、温度场模拟结果到界面显示令人满意。
By finite element analysis method, the temperature field of medium steel plate subject to multiple impinging jets was numerically simulated and the transverse cooling curve was obtained, which provides theoretical basis for the process design of header pipes of a non restraint quencher. 采用有限元分析方法,对钢板在多股集管冲击射流作用下的温度场分布进行了数值模拟,得到钢板横向冷却曲线,为无约束淬火机上集管的工艺设计提供了理论依据。
The Computer-Aided Cooling Curve Analysis of Gray Iron 灰铁件冷却曲线计算机辅助分析
The continuous cooling curve obtained with the MDD model can use to quantitatively describe the cooling or uplifting process of a geologic body. 利用MDD模式得到的连续冷却曲线,可以定量地描述地质体的冷却(隆升)过程;
Theoretical cooling curves, the relationship between cooling curve, fraction of solid and liberation of latent heat per unit time, and experimental results are presented. 给出了理论冷却曲线、冷却曲线、固相率及单位时间内潜热释放速度之间的关系及实验结果。
Nonequilibrium near-liquidus casting ( NNLC) is such a process that the casting should be carried out near the nonequilibrium liquidus temperature which was determinated by the cooling curve of melt in a nonequilibrium solidification process. It is substantially a near-liquidus casting. 近非平衡液相线铸造方法是测量熔体非平衡凝固过程的冷却曲线,确定其非平衡液相线温度,并在此温度附近进行铸造的工艺方法,为实质意义上的近液相线铸造。
Transverse Cooling Curve in Quenching Medium Steel Plate 中厚板淬火过程的横向冷却曲线
An air cooling curve after large workpiece preheating is calculated out. According to these curves, a suitable welding temperature and time interval are determined for repair the heavy hopper. 还介绍了采用计算方法绘出大型工件预热在常温的冷却曲线,根据该曲线即可选定焊接时合适的温度和时间范围。
Transverse cooling curve of medium steel plate in the process of controlled cooling based on flat roof of ANSYS 基于ANSYS平台的中厚板控冷过程的横向冷却曲线
According to the equations, the simulation program of the temperature field was developed with VC, which realized the computer simulation and described each radial node's cooling curve of long-thick wall tube during the cooling process. 根据此方程组,用VC编制温度场模拟计算程序,实现计算机模拟,描绘了长厚壁钢管径向各节点冷却过程中的冷却曲线。
To verify the accuracy of models for temperature analysis, an arched stress frame test casting was poured, and its cooling curve was measured and recorded. 为检验模型的准确性,试验研究了弓形应力框试验铸件的浇注过程。
Through calculating the cooling curve of standard top quenching specimen and CCT-diagram, the hardenability curves of alloy steel are calculated. 本工作通过计算标准顶端淬火冷却曲线,并利用计算得到的CCT曲线和数据,对合金钢淬透性曲线进行了预测。
Temperature module is mainly used to cast iron thermal analysis composition analyzing, using thermal couple to collect the sample's temperature cooling curve and according to the certain mathematical model calculate the elemental composition. 温度采集主要用于热分析法的铸铁成分分析,利用热电偶采集试样冷却温度曲线,按照一定的数学模型计算各元素成分。
This paper measured the cooling curve of quenched and tempered heavy forging in temper cooling, and calculated maximum instantaneous elastic stress in cooling below 400 ℃. 测量了调质大锻件高温回火冷却时的表面及心部冷却曲线、室温及低温冲击韧性,并且计算了400℃以后冷却时最大瞬时弹性热应力。
The Effects of Sr on the Characteristic Temperatures of the Cooling Curve of Al-13% Si Alloy During Eutectic Solidification Sr对Al-13%Si合金共晶凝固冷却曲线特征温度的影响
By measuring the cooling curve and quench severity of quenching oil at various flow rates, the relationship among the hardening capacity, quench severity and flow rate was established. 对淬火油在不同流速下的冷却曲线和淬火烈度进行了测量,建立了硬化能力、淬火烈度与介质流速三者之间的关系。
The emphases are put on the cooling curve analysis, hardenability prediction, quenching methods, distortion, modeling microstructure and process, gas quenching, water gas and spray quenching. 着重就冷却曲线分析,淬透性预测,淬火方法和变形,显微组织和过程模拟,气淬及水汽和喷射淬火等专题作了评述。
We carry on the foundry to the aluminum metal alloy cylinder sample by the different sand thickness, making use of the thermocouple to measure the cooling curve and analyzes the effect of sand and iron mould thickness to cooling velocity in this paper. 我们通过不同的覆砂层厚度对铝合金圆柱试样进行铸造,利用热电偶测其凝固冷却曲线,分析了铸造过程中砂型厚度和铁型厚度对冷却速度的影响。
Computer Test System for Metal Cooling Curve 金属凝固冷却曲线计算机测试系统
A mathematical imitation and a computer analogue of cooling belt in wide tunnel kiln are used to probe into the relationship between the cooling curve temperature and the product average temperature. 通过对宽断面隧道窑冷却带进行数学建模及计算机模拟,探讨了其冷却曲线温度和制品平均温度之间的关系;
The casting simulation is showed out truly by the cooling curve and temperature field color map. 利用温度冷却曲线和温度场颜色图将铸件模拟过程真实的展示出来。
The new metallic phase diagram determinator cooling fan have eight speed gears, which greatly reduced the influence of the wind speed change on the step cooling curve, improved the precision of the experiment. 3. 新型金属相图仪的散热风扇采用了八个档位,大大减小了风速的改变对步冷曲线的影响,提高了实验精度。
In this way, the host computer controls the working process of thermometer; it shows the real-time temperature curve, makes casting thermal analysis and save measurement data according to casting temperature of the cooling curve. 此方式下,上位机软件控制测温仪的工作过程,实时显示温度曲线,根据温度冷却曲线进行铸造热分析并保存测温数据。
Among the evaluation methods of quenchants, cooling curve method is the most popular. 淬火介质评价方法中,冷却曲线法应用最广。